Larry H. Miller Dealerships, via their charitable organization Larry H. Miller Charities, has generously granted $10,000 to Live & Learn to support women in our Economic Empowerment Program. These funds will provide Supplemental Support and our Mentoring Program for the 200 women we will serve in 2020. Supplemental Support and Mentoring are crucial aspects of our program that can easily be the difference between success or failure. 

Supplemental Support is needs-based assistance that can help women cover the cost of things such as uniforms, bus passes, or basic school supplies. Often, these are small costs that can derail a woman from her journey to graduation and a livable-wage job. 

Access to our Mentoring Program is likewise essential for many women’s success. Our Mentoring Program ensures that women receive the emotional support and care they need to heal from past trauma. It imparts the skills women need to cope with stress and anxiety, build their self-confidence, and reach their potential.

For over 20 years, Larry H. Miller Dealerships and Larry H. Miller Charities have given generously to causes affecting women and children in our community. They are committed to working with at-risk and under-served populations, and they know that education is the key to success.

The demand for Live & Learn’s Economic Empowerment Program remains high. Our innovative approach to addressing the root causes of poverty is totally unique in Maricopa County. For every woman admitted to our program in 2019, four more were on the waitlist. 

It is only funding that prevents us from serving more women, and we are truly grateful for Larry H. Miller Dealerships’ support. Together, we will Give Hope to more women in 2020!