Every Arizonan Counts – 2020 Census

The 2020 Census is around the corner and we want to make sure you are counted! What is the U.S. Census? By participating in the Census, you help ensure our community receives the finances needed to continue public programs and services. The Census count determines funding for education, healthcare and other federally funded agencies and programs in Arizona. Each count will protect the resources people in Arizona need and want for the next decade. Another aspect of the Census that is often forgotten about is representation in legislative districts as well as Washington D.C. This is a way for Arizona

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Meet Our Board Members: Alverta McKenzie

Alverta McKenzie has dedicated her life to helping children and families.Β  She has become an expert in the field and spent her career mentoring others to succeed in the same field. Alverta has worked in the field of Children and Family services as a teacher and a professional. She has devoted her life’s work to bolstering the field of Children and Family Studies, bettering the foundation of our community and making the world a better place for the next generation. Early Life and First Career Alverta is originally from New Haven, Connecticut, where she spent time in the foster care

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