Empowering women through education


Latest Past Events

Volunteer & Connect: Women in College Supply Drive

Live & Learn Program 326 E. Coronado Rd, Suite 201, Phoenix

Help us ensure women are ready to head back to school! Join us for Live & Learn's annual Women in College Supply-Drive Volunteer & Connect event! What is a Volunteer & Connect event? A small group of volunteers get together, enjoy coffee and light refreshments, connect with each other, and work together to make a difference. What will we do? At this event, volunteers will work together to ensure women are ready as they return to school! Activities will include: Sorting donations of school supplies Packing Totes of Hope (tote bags filled with the essentials for a mom headed back to


Women in College Supply-Drive Drop Off Day!

Live & Learn Program 326 E. Coronado Rd, Suite 201, Phoenix

Stop by the Live & Learn office to drop off school supplies for our annual Women in College Supply Drive! The Live & Learn office is open for drop offs between 10am and 2pm. Our address is: 326 E Coronado Rd, Suite 201 Phoenix, AZ 85004 What Should I Bring? We welcome donations of school supplies including, but not limited to: Scientific Calculators Agendas Sticky Notes Highlighters, Pens, and Pencils Pencil Pouches Notebooks Power Packs (phone chargers) Page Tabs Index Cards Binders, dividers, and clear sleeves Loose-leaf Paper Nursing Flashcards White Out Hand Sanitizer and more! You can help ensure

Women in College Supply Drive

Live & Learn Program 326 E. Coronado Rd, Suite 201, Phoenix

It's time for Live & Learn's annual Women in College Supply Drive! You can help ensure women have what they need to succeed in school. Why? We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to pursue their education. If you do, too, please support this important school supply drive for women in college. How? 3 Ways to Participate! Drop off donations of school supplies at Live & Learn's office on Friday June 23rd, 10am - 2pm or Saturday July 8th, 10am - 12pm or by appointment. Email Hope@liveandlearnaz.org to schedule a drop-off time. Local businesses, churches, and individuals have set up collection boxes throughout



326 E. Coronado, Suite 201
Phoenix, AZ 85004

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