Beth is a 45-year-old single mother of four children. She was referred to Live & Learn from UMOM as she was transitioning into rapid rehousing. Beth was unemployed, and her UMOM case manager was concerned that she would cycle back into homelessness without Live & Learn.

When she came to Live & Learn, Beth’s Client Coordinator noticed it was hard for her to secure employment. Barriers like childcare and transportation were addressed, resources like AZ@Work were offered, but still Beth was not finding employment. After working together and building trust, Beth finally opened up to her Client Coordinator.

Beth has an undiagnosed learning disorder. She struggles to read, and she struggles with lack of confidence. In fact, she dropped out of high school due to her learning challenges and feelings of embarrassment. With patience and support from her Client Coordinator, Beth secured employment as a caregiver. An empathetic and patient woman, she thrived in this role.

Live & Learn helped with:

  • Goal setting
  • Employment
  • Housing
  • Food
  • Healthcare
  • Counseling

When Covid-19 hit, Beth was laid off, but she had gained self-confidence. She quickly found new employment with Instacart and has retained this job for six months now.

Once Beth was employed and stable, she began working with her Client Coordinator to address other aspects of Beth’s well-being. Though she had never used it, Beth has AHCCCS. Her Client Coordinator explained the importance of healthcare and preventative care. It took time.

“She is someone I have to push. She needs a lot of encouragement to overcome her years of living in survival mode, with little hope about her future,” reflects her Client Coordinator.

Together, Beth and her Client Coordinator set a primary care appointment in Winter 2020. At the appointment, the doctor found a lump in Beth’s breast. She was immediately referred for a biopsy and is currently awaiting the results. Her doctor is optimistic that it was caught early.

Simultaneously, Beth’s Client Coordinator helped her access dental care at Adelante Healthcare. Beth had not been to a dentist in decades, and the dentist recommended urgent gum treatments to not only save Beth’s teeth, but to prevent more serious health problems, including heart disease. With Live & Learn’s financial assistance, Beth underwent the necessary procedure.

While Beth addresses her health issues, she continues to work hard, progress through the Live & Learn program, and provide stability for her children. Beth has taken up jogging and attended nutrition workshops. She has lost 45 pounds, reversed her early signs of hypertension, and says she feels more optimistic and calm in daily life. Her Client Coordinator is always available to listen, counsel, and encourage as they continue Beth’s journey to a stable, healthy life.

In the past year-and-a-half, Beth has worked incredibly hard and changed her life with Live & Learn’s support. Her hard work is giving her children a better future.