Empowering women through education


International Women’s Day

Join us to empower and celebrate women.  This years theme is Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow.   Tell us about a woman that inspires you!

Arizona Gives Day

We need YOU this Arizona Gives Day to give women the opportunity to pursue their education and a career, so that they can give their children a better future!  Women are waiting. Your investment in our mission will give more women the opportunity to join and begin the hard work of changing their lives. Women like Amanda, who was homeless and pregnant when she came to Live & Learn.  With Live & Learn’s support, she didn’t give up. She made incredible progress. Now, Amanda is working full-time, has a beautiful baby boy, and is enrolled in a medical assistant program. Join us at

Intro to Live & Learn


Join us for a short introduction to Live & Learn. Find out how Live & Learn empowers women to break the cycle of generational poverty, and learn about different ways you can get involved.  2nd Wednesday of every month, from 12:30pm-1pm. or email hope@liveandlearnaz.org to schedule a one-on-one meeting at your convenience.  Link to join will be sent through email the morning of the meeting. Presenter: Iris Ortega | Community Engagement Manager Iris Ortega is a Certified Nonprofit Professional with a B.S. in Family and Human Development from Arizona State University. In 2012, Iris began her journey as a Live


Canceled Volunteer Connect

Live & Learn Program 326 E. Coronado Rd, Suite 201, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Bring a friend and join us for our quarterly Volunteer Connect.  We will enjoy coffee, a volunteer activity that will empower women in Live & Learn’s program, and connecting with other volunteers.   Email volunteer@liveandlearnaz.org for more information about this event or to learn about other opportunities to volunteer at Live & Learn. June 9th, 2022 9:00-10:30A.M. 326 E Coronado Rd. Suite 201 Phoenix, AZ 85004 


Intro to Live & Learn


Join us for a short introduction to Live & Learn. Find out how Live & Learn empowers women to break the cycle of generational poverty, and learn about different ways you can get involved.  2nd Wednesday of every month, from 12:30pm-1pm. or email hope@liveandlearnaz.org to schedule a one-on-one meeting at your convenience.  Link to join will be sent through email the morning of the meeting. Presenter: Iris Ortega | Community Engagement Manager Iris Ortega is a Certified Nonprofit Professional with a B.S. in Family and Human Development from Arizona State University. In 2012, Iris began her journey as a Live




326 E. Coronado, Suite 201
Phoenix, AZ 85004

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