The 2020 Census is around the corner and we want to make sure you are counted!

What is the U.S. Census?

By participating in the Census, you help ensure our community receives the finances needed to continue public programs and services. The Census count determines funding for education, healthcare and other federally funded agencies and programs in Arizona. Each count will protect the resources people in Arizona need and want for the next decade. Another aspect of the Census that is often forgotten about is representation in legislative districts as well as Washington D.C. This is a way for Arizona to be heard regarding different policies federally and at the state level.

Since the census is only conducted every ten years, it is vital that everyone in Arizona participates.

How to Respond to the Census

The 2020 Census has four different options for responding.
  1. You can respond to the questionnaire over the internet, which is a fast and convenient way to be counted. Responding over the internet is very secure, user friendly, and is environmentally friendly. You can even respond right from your phone online.
  2. Responses are also counted through the mail. A Census form will be delivered straight to your residence. After filling out the form, you can drop it off in your mailbox or any local post office.
  3. Responses can also be taken over the phone at your convenience. Life happens, and it can be hard to fill out and send in a questionnaire, but the Census strives to get every count.
  4. If you do not respond by mail, online or by phone, a Census enumerator will knock on your door to guarantee your count.

Each of these approaches offers multiple languages to ensure each person in Arizona has the chance to be counted. The Census can seem intimidating and complicated but choose the response method you are most comfortable with, and be counted!

Privacy & Confidentiality

Confidentiality is crucial to the U.S. Census Bureau, and they protect all data they receive. The Census Bureau uses responses to figure out funding appropriately.  Responses are anonymous and cannot be used against you by any government agency or court.

Many people simply don’t respond out of the fear of information leaking. There is no evidence of this ever happening, and there are safeguards in place to make sure it doesn’t happen in the future.

Responding to the 2020 Census has no repercussions and all personal information is private.

Avoid Scams

  • How can you be sure you are responding to the official Census and not a scam? The Census Bureau will never ask for your social security number, bank or credit card numbers or money and donations.
  • If a Census enumerator has to get an in person response at your residence make sure they have a valid id which includes their photograph, a U.S. Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date.

Every count matters and this is your chance to make a difference in your community.

Census Timeline:

  • Census questionnaire online opens March 12th and mail responses will be sent to residences
  • Respond online, by phone or by mail
  • Response period ends July 31st

And Remember:

  • Information is private and confidential
  • More than $20.5 billion supports critical programs in Arizona
  • Every Arizonan counts

Information regarding the Arizona Census can be found at